Team news

Now out! BRT Newsletter vol.01

We are delighted to share the first issue of our BRT newsletter with you! This issue provides a snippet of what we have been up to in the first half of 2024 and highlights our most recent achievements.

We hope you enjoy it - happy reading!


New paper published! Optimizing Harvesting Efficiency: Development and Assessment of a Pneumatic Air Jet Excitation Nozzle for Delicate Biostructures in Food Processing

New paper published by Eduardo Duque Dussán and Jan Banout from BRT. This study introduces a novel pneumatic air jet excitation nozzle, meticulously designed for food processing applications. The device employs compressed air equipment and a precision solenoid valve to regulate air discharge through a parametric air jet nozzle. Extensive testing showed that the device could achieve shooting frequencies in the 40–45 Hz range, operating at pressures between 5 and 7 bar. A sophisticated sensor system was utilized to measure the force generated by the device across various frequencies and pressures.

Meet our summer intern – Emma Jackson!

To broaden and develop our teams’ collaborative skills while offering visiting students the chance to expand their scientific networks and gain cultural experiences, BRT encourages students to join our team for internship opportunities. These internships aim to facilitate idea exchange, foster professional growth, and create opportunities for collaboration. Meet our summer intern joining our team from the United States, Emma Jackson!

Congratulations to the BRT students who have successfully defended their thesis!

This year, four master students and three bachelor students from the Biogas Research Team successfully defended their thesis. Enjoy reading more about their research activities!

Empowering Academics in Ukraine: The AgriSci-UA Project 2023

Cooperation within projects aimed at capacity building and collaboration between CZU and selected partner universities in Ukraine has a long-standing tradition, which has managed to persist even in the current unfavourable situation caused by the war. Not only was the AgriSci-UA project successfully implemented in 2023, but the platform also expanded to include one more partner. The State Biotechnological University is also now a member, joining the Ukrainian partner universities of Sumy National Agrarian UniversitySumy State UniversityBila Tserkva National Agrarian University, and Dnipro State Agrarian-Economic University.

Seizing Opportunities for Professional Development: My Internship with SUEZ in France

To broaden and develop the professional skills of our team members and widen their scientific network and cultural experiences, the BRT encourages its students to embark on internships. These internships are connected to their scientific journey and enable them to have hands-on, practical and in-field experiences, which are critical to their future careers. The internships help to hone their communication, time management, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills, all of which are highly valued assets in young scientists.