We’re excited to share the BRT Annual Newsletter, highlighting key achievements, global collaborations, and groundbreaking research from the past year.
In 2024, BRT expanded its reach across four continents, driving progress in anaerobic digestion, waste-to-energy solutions, and the circular bioeconomy. With nearly 1,000 biogas plants built worldwide, we continue to advance sustainable energy solutions. Our participation in Horizon Europe projects has strengthened our leadership in sustainable development.
This year’s MCYR Conference gathered young researchers from over 20 countries, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. Research visits, internships, and international collaborations enriched our activities and output, introducing fresh perspectives and strengthening global networks.
In this issue, we proudly showcase and recognise the success of our PhD graduates, whose contributions are making a lasting impact across academia, industry, and policy sectors. Their work reflects BRT’s commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and its real-world applications.
As we look ahead, we invite students, researchers, partners, and supporters to stay engaged with BRT’s mission. Read the full newsletter to explore our latest developments, insights, and future ambitions!