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From Waste to Gold: ADRA and BRT Experts Boost Vermicomposting in Cambodia

In March 2023, Ing. Jan Staš and Dr. Eduardo Duque Dussán from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, BioResources & Technology Division (BRT),  travelled to Pursat Province, Cambodia, to lend their expertise to The Adventist and Development Relief Agencies (ADRA) V-SOIL project. This initiative aims to introduce and promote vermicomposting techniques to improve organic waste management, soil fertility, agricultural productivity and farmers' dependence on chemical fertilizers. Their visit was a significant step forward in the pursuit to improve farming practices in Cambodia.

Upon arriving, experts jumped right into action, offering both theoretical and practical training sessions to ADRA staff and project farmers. The first task was to analyse the existing vermicomposting systems and evaluate the availability and quality of inputs. The team identified local materials that could be repurposed for vermicompost construction, such as used plastic buckets, boxes or leftover wood. They also assessed market demand for vermicompost products and explored potential sales and marketing strategies.

The feedback from these sessions was overwhelmingly positive. "The training was enlightening," said one farmer. "I had no idea that something as simple as earthworms could provide us with fertiliser, which makes such a difference to our soil and crops."

One of the key activities was forming a sustainable training team comprising of around ten highly motivated individuals. This core group included private sector farmers from ADRA’s agro-business and food security programs, which reached over 2,000 farmers. With the support of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, this team is now equipped to establish and support vermiculture businesses throughout the region.

Jan and Eduardo also conducted intensive hands-on training for twelve potential vermiculture business leaders. These sessions covered everything from the benefits of vermicompost to the intricacies of waste collection, product options, and financial strategies. By the end of their visit, the BRT experts had ensured that these future leaders were well-prepared to take the reins and drive the vermicomposting initiative forward.

At least ten of the trained business leaders are now developing their own vermiculture production sites and sales businesses. The project is providing minimal start-up inputs, such as production hardware and supplies, to support these entrepreneurs. Additionally, efforts are underway to create strong marketing strategies, including the use of social media to raise awareness and build brand recognition.

Raising awareness about the benefits of vermicompost was another crucial aspect of the visit. Local agro-business networks and associations were mobilised to spread the word to farmer households. The outreach efforts included demonstrations of basic vermicompost production techniques suitable for small households and engaging local youth through production contests and school programs.

The visit by BRT experts has laid a solid foundation for the V-SOIL project. Moving forward, it is essential to maintain the momentum by:

  • Continued Support and Training: Ongoing training and coaching for the core team and business leaders.
  • Market Development: Strengthening marketing relationships and expanding the reach of vermicompost products.
  • Community Engagement: Enhancing awareness programs to include more households and schools.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular assessment of progress and impact to refine strategies and ensure sustainability.

The successful collaboration between CZU (BRT) and ADRA underscores the potential of vermicomposting as a transformative agricultural practice. By turning waste into wealth, this project is not only boosting soil health and productivity but also opening up new economic opportunities for farmers in Pursat Province and beyond.

Author: Jan Staš

Photo credit: Jan Staš and Eduardo Duque Dussán

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