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Inside the Agri Policy Lab

The Agri Policy Lab is a multidisciplinary unit within the BRT dedicated to advancing sustainable and inclusive agricultural policies. By conducting in-depth research, engaging stakeholders, and advocating for evidence-based decisions, the lab provides innovative solutions to pressing agricultural challenges.

Main Activities:

  • Policy Research & Analysis – Assessing agricultural, bioenergy, and related policies, identifying gaps, and providing recommendations based on global best practices.
  • Stakeholder Engagement – Facilitating discussions with farmers, policymakers, NGOs, academia, and industry to ensure comprehensive policy solutions.
  • Capacity Building – Organizing training sessions for policymakers, officials, and farmers on emerging trends and sustainable practices.
  • Policy Recommendations & Impact Assessments – Developing actionable insights, evaluating policy effectiveness, and advocating for improvements.
  • Data Analysis & Visualization – Preparing research-backed data insights to inform decision-making.

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