Ing. Stacy Hammond, Ph.D., BRT Communications Manager.
Dr. Stacy is a graduate of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), where she obtained a Ph.D. in tropical agrobiology and bioresource management and a master's in tropical crop management and ecology. She also holds a BSc in agroforestry, which she obtained at URACCAN (Nicaragua). As a plant biotechnologies specialist, her research entails developing new in vitro techniques that ensure the safe storage of endangered crops. In her current role as the BRT Communication Manager, Stacy leverages her knowledge and skills in science communication to develop communication, dissemination, and exploitation strategies. These strategies effectively showcase the activities and achievements of the BRT, contributing to its success and recognition in the field.
Country of origin: Nicaragua
Expertise: Science communication and dissemination, in vitro biotechnologies, and plant conservation.
“Fearless minds, endless potential.”